EOC: From Key to Killswitch - Shoulda done this long ago...
So for the last ~year (or however long I have been doing the hypermilage thing), I have been clicking my key back, waiting, clicking forward. This killed stereo, turn signals, vents, etc. as well as temporarily caused the odometer to stop reading.
Just the other day, I ran a set of wires from my dash, to a normally closed push-button momentary switch, and split into the ASD relay ground. When pressed, this kills both fuel injection and spark.
After driving around for the first day, I just can't believe I didn't do this earlier! My stereo stays on, odometer readings are now going to be more accurate, the odds of my engine re-starting when "clicking the key back" drastically drop (was always in a hurry to click it back on, sometimes engine didn't die all the way).
Just letting you guys know who HAVEN'T wired one up to do so. Now.