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Old 08-28-2012, 06:01 PM   #28 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: El Cerrito, CA
Posts: 77
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I know, California has some bull**** laws.
Moving isn't an option. I go out about 1x or 2x a year for 6-8 weeks at a time.
Other than that I'm living the dream. This vehicle situation came up because of 2 things:

1.being raped by the gas pump more
and more and that has to change..7-8mpg is not acceptable with 10k miles a year. I could tour at $2-$3.50 a gallon. At $4 I'm dying

2. New ticket happy law enforcement popping me for $50 a ticket any night they feel like it.

I'm trying to get a meeting with the head of parking and traffic so I can tell him what's been happening, and maybe if I'm real nice I can have him help me attempt to follow these ridiculous laws. My camper is only 19ft now. That's the same length as an extended van. The law was surely put in place to stop homeless encampments and the big 40ft motorhomes being on the streets. Not to stop someone from parking their own slightly large vehicle in front of their own house.

I've been up against worse situations where I found a difficult solution. I don't give up when I'm up against a wall.
Touring with a rock band of humans sucks. I made robots because it was more economical, and easier to deal with. The human band members were dicks, they were mostly on hard drugs, moody, difficult, screw it.
I just made the robots...took years, but now I'm living the dream, and no one else gets paid! Pow!
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