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Old 08-30-2012, 03:32 AM   #62 (permalink)
Formula SAE Engineer
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: United States
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I want to be helpful and tell you all about how a flat underbody is actually no good at reducing drag, and that there are all sorts of other things that people on this forum have assumed that are not correct, but no one wants to hear it.
I made the comment about 'being right' because I have read much of what many of you have done to your cars, and while it's mildly helpful, you could gain drastically better results with more insight into how aero really works.
Also, you aren't very nice. I hear BS everyday all day. I simply just tell people what I know and if they choose not to believe it, I don't get all butthurt about it and start shoving crap down their throats.
I would appreciate it if you would try to be effectively helpful, instead of just another guy who likes being 'right'.
Since you care so much about being right, why don't you go spend some money learning from people who know what they are talking about, instead of just putting down everyone who puts out info that doesn't agree with yours.
This attitude is chronic among many of you ecomodders.
Max Trenkle
Student Engineer - TTU Motorsports
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