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Old 08-30-2012, 06:06 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Location: kansas city, mo
Posts: 214

Pantry Boy Supreme (pbs) - '04 Volvo S80 T6 Premier
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Another 3-wheeler concept + resources

Enlight of my occupation and having (3) 12hr work days with nothing to do but think, think, google, ecomodder, think, google, etc.

In searching for a "general" Scooter HP chart/info. I stumbled across this website. Not that it has small displacement <150cc figures sadly but does give a figure of "true" HP for more common displaced engines, that could be used, for such a project.
True Rear Wheel Horsepower

Along with the multitude of MPG figures, and best recommendation threads here.

Chassis design and fabication tips/tricks galore. With strong emphasis and importance of "Aero Efficiency" and "Power efficiency".

Utilizing such tools:
Aerodynamic & rolling resistance, power & MPG calculator -

One should be able to accomplish the task of DESIGN.
Building within the designs CONSTRAINTS(Height/width/length, #of wheels, #passengers, cargo).
Figuring out the FORCES involved(Aero, RR, power:weight).
Puting that information to USE.

When I think efficiency. I tend to focus on JUST that role and the best posible way only. Ambitious as I am, I'm still as "backyard" as you can get, along with my fellow DIY'ers. I like 99% of us on the Forum are looking for any and every possible way to save $$$.

The sole purpose of me writing this out, is that this is exactly what my goal is for this (LONG Term) project. To BUILD a vehicle as Cheaply as possible for "Road Use" with the (highest efficieny for my money).

Safety is High Priority still, so don't get the wrong idea.
Reliability, is next on the list. Besides Basic maintenence/cost of ownership will (hopefully) be as minimul as possible!
Practicality, will be of some importance(work commuter, +1/2 passengers, small cargo)
Simplicity hehe, this one will be fun... But is managable! Materials sheet should look like an average trip to a Hardware/Parts store.

Basically an Eco-Steriod Inverted Trike

Pictures for reference:

Lol, if you've made it this far, I appreciate the effort you've put in. Hope the pics were worth it!!! Till next time, i should have some rough sketches done

"The test of the machine is the satisfaction it gives you. There isn't any other test. If the machine produces tranquility it's right. If it disturbs you it's wrong until either the machine or your mind is changed." Robert M Pirsig.
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