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Old 08-31-2012, 12:23 PM   #128 (permalink)
Aero Deshi
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Currency Issues in China Article
Read this. Tell me it's just a matter of going to the currency exchange window at the airport with your trillion dollars.

My reason for posting the cited article is that I feel it backs up my position, the paragraph "What does China do with all of its foreign exchange reserves?" in particular points out that they can't simply wash it all out in the currency market, they had to buy US T-Bills. The same is true for any country stuck with surplus dollars, eventually, they end up back here. So as has been my main 2 points all along, US dollars eventually come back, and at the end of the day, someone else owns more of America.

Again I say at the end of the day, it is a natural occurence that the "Transfer of Wealth" is going to occur. We are a large and powerful country, in the 1930's the Saudi's et. al. were nomads with camels. They traded something they had which was worthless to them, oil, for dollars. So they got wealthy. What is your hang up on that? At the same time, our country continued to grow and does so today. At the time we started buying the Oil in the 60's our GDP was below $1 Trillion per year, Now we're at $17 Trillion. This energy was vital to fuel our growth. It is only fair to me that others in the world who helped us to attain this get their fair amount.

BTW try to use the "," key more, the "..." is good in small dose's for effect, but is wearisome in the long run when used 53 times in a post.

Last edited by ChazInMT; 08-31-2012 at 03:31 PM.. Reason: I thought Ian said something different til I read it again.
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