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Old 08-31-2012, 10:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Controller Questions

Hi Guys,

I'm new here although I have been lurking for a long time plotting and planning. I ordered a controller from Paul and it arrived Monday evening. I've got the thing all assembled and have began playing with it on the bench.

My EV is a 94 Ford Ranger. I'll be running 144v (24 12v AGMs) but im still torn on which motor to use -- Maybe FB1-4001...Kostiv...Warp9? Not sure. I've installed the Batts in the pickup bed, beefed up the suspension, and gutted the vehicle wiring harness of everything related to the ICE.

Now for my questions:

1) Is there a schematic available that outlines each component on the control board and why (at least the big hitters) it is there?

Questions 2 and 3 could probably be answered via (1) but I'll ask anyways.

2) Precharge output -- Is this intended to only operate a contactor? I read some posts in the very long design thread about wanting to incorporate the precharge resistor into the board. My limited electrical knowledge (I'm only a lowly ME) and inspection of the control and power boards tell me that this is not incorporated in this 2C controller and the precharge output is only a driver for a contactor. Correct?

3) I have access to alot of (really) cheap parts through my work and in interest of saving money I'd like to use as much of them as I can. I have my eye on 2 different throttle peddle options. Both are voltage output (0.65v to 3.85v) & (1.1v to 4.2v). Is there a way to modify the the throttle circuit (and maybe software too?) to get these input ranges to work rather than the 0-5K pot?

4) Is it preferred to mount the controller near my battery pack or up near the motor?


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