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Old 09-03-2012, 11:17 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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Originally Posted by J-Ro View Post
1) Is there a schematic available that outlines each component on the control board and why (at least the big hitters) it is there?
Yes. I've heard that the wiki has broken links. I haven't been on here much, but I can email you a schematic if you want.

Originally Posted by J-Ro View Post
2) Precharge output -- Is this intended to only operate a contactor? I read some posts in the very long design thread about wanting to incorporate the precharge resistor into the board. My limited electrical knowledge (I'm only a lowly ME) and inspection of the control and power boards tell me that this is not incorporated in this 2C controller and the precharge output is only a driver for a contactor. Correct?
Ya, the 2C board just outputs 12v after some programmed amount of time, which can be used to power the 12v coil of a contactor. I've got other boards that incorporate the precharge resistor and everything, but I've had trouble with the power section, and I'm (planning on) still testing it. Right now life keeps getting in the way. We're trying to move out of my mother-in-laws basement, and aren't spending much money, which doesn't allow for much testing either. haha.
Originally Posted by J-Ro View Post
3) I have access to alot of (really) cheap parts through my work and in interest of saving money I'd like to use as much of them as I can. I have my eye on 2 different throttle peddle options. Both are voltage output (0.65v to 3.85v) & (1.1v to 4.2v). Is there a way to modify the the throttle circuit (and maybe software too?) to get these input ranges to work rather than the 0-5K pot?
Yes there is a way to modify the throttle circuit, and also the software. People have done it, and it seems to work well..
Originally Posted by J-Ro View Post
4) Is it preferred to mount the controller near my battery pack or up near the motor?
I think it's preferable to keep the motor leads short, so closer to the motor is better.

Originally Posted by J-Ro View Post
I know karate better than the Karate Kid!
That's very interesting!!! hahaha. Just kidding. I love making people say fake things.
kits and boards
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