Yeah! Labor Day weekend. We expect the crazies; right?
On Sat., I'm in town on my motorcycle. I come to the stop sign on a quiet residential street. At the same time a late model Camaro (not this last gen.) is pulling up to his stopsign opposite me flashing intent to turn left. I am going to turn right onto this busy 35mph. through the neighborhood main road.
Before I moved, I thought its a younger guy, maybe I'll just wait, and let him go first.
But I see he has 3 vehicles to pass by him, before he can turn, I'm clear with no hinderences, so I make my right. Nice mellow day; before I get a block, and one half, that Camaro swerves violently into the bicycle lane passing me on the right as if I'd been blocking him for 6 miles or something. I saw a girl at the bus stop one block further looking rather shocked as if to wonder if he might run her down!
I've seen so much nonsense, that I didn't even start to get upset. Just typical unfortunate normalcy!
06 Chev MonteC JG#24tribute car 30mpg 00 Honda Insight 63MPG 98 Buick Park Ave3.8 33MPG 89 Toyota Corolla wag 60MPG so far 81 VW Rabbit diesel pu 50MPG+ 80 Mercedes 240D stick 30-ish 90 vette 6-speed,29ish 07 Honda ST1300 55MPG 83 Honda 650 GL 64MPG 19 Suzuki dr200 88MPG23 HondaGrom?+Tow K10D Sub 26mpg NEVER,NEVER GIVE UP!
SLOW DOWN AND SMOOTH UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!