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Old 09-06-2012, 09:06 AM   #40 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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honda cb125 - '74 Honda CB 125 S1
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green wedge - '81 Commuter Vehicles Inc. Commuti-Car

Blue VX - '93 Honda Civic VX
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Why is compressed air still seen as a viable idea? even the companies who make them say it takes 65kwh of electricity to go 62 miles, that same amount of electricity can make my electric car go 260 miles of course the air powered car weighs 1/3 of what my electric car does so I imagine that if I had lithium batteries and narrower higher pressure tires like the air powered car does that I might be able to go well over 300 miles on that same electricity! all because the big selling point is that they are able to sell a 500 pound, two passenger car with a top speed of 55mph for $8,000.... right.
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