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Old 06-08-2008, 04:15 PM   #3 (permalink)
needs more cowbell
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It is basically a 5 volt square wave defined by these lines in the code:

#define sig1PinOffTime 2444
#define sig1PinOnTime 25333
#define sig2PinOnTime 16000
#define sig2PinOffTime 2180

sig1 (simulating the injector signal) is off for 2444 microseconds and on for 25333 microseconds, roughly.

sig2 (simulating the vss signal) is on for 16000 microseconds and off for 2180 microseconds, roughly.

So you going to start from scratch, or can you help us troubleshoot the guino? It would be downright trivial to send the instant raw data out the serial port on the guino and collect it on the carpc and make sense out of it there. I do it all the time for debugging.
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