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Old 09-08-2012, 09:29 AM   #45 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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honda cb125 - '74 Honda CB 125 S1
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green wedge - '81 Commuter Vehicles Inc. Commuti-Car

Blue VX - '93 Honda Civic VX
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What really gets me is that the 500 pound compressed air powered cars that are being built and shown in videos as proof that they work are costing over $.12 per mile just in electricity costs to compress the air, with $3.60 gasoline that's costing you the same as if you were getting 30mpg in that two person 500 pound car! then you have to factor in the cost of compressing that air, $3,000 looks to be the starting price for a compressor that can handle this kind of pressure and that is a home sized unit! so the price of your car that could blow away in a strong wind is costing $11,000 or more if you want to fill it at home so you're not charged a higher fee at a filling station.
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