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Old 09-10-2012, 12:47 AM   #14 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Connecticut
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I guess I lied to you guys and myself... lol
Bought the Citicar and registered/insured it...I'm looking at what would be required for a motor upgrade...maybe even an AC motor? Anyone have any suggestions? I'm thinking to myself, screw the "real" father already has some I could use. So there is a really cool car for $2,000 that I want, but I also want to upgrade the Citicar. Going up some hills around here, it slowed down to around 15mph of so and was pulling between two and three hundred amps. Also, we get a nice long trail of people who was to go faster, so I want to drop in a motor capable of keeping up with traffic, even up those hills. Just to ride around on these back roads, I would like to be able to maintain 40-45 or more, and I would like to be able to get on the highway with it (80mph top speed required just to keep up when it's going fast). How much power would I need to do each of those two things? Also, what motor would I use, and how would I mount it shaft output?
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