Originally Posted by Varn
Shovel, Look at the big picture.There are countries that have mothers have 8-12 kids . Why do they do that? It is in part to guarantee that when they are old and can not work that someone will take them in so that they will not die on the street. So you don't breed, your loss. What if your parents had that attitude, where would you be, in some used condom.
Call me a socialist
Where would I be if I hit the inside of a condom? Not stuck in a world where random chance can lead to injury and handicap, but never to superhuman strength, where
"O-faces" last seconds and toothaches last days.
I'm not suicidal or anything, but
if life was a video game nobody would voluntarily play it - frankly the reward balance is rubbish!
One thing's for certain, the siblings-(not)to-be that ended up in condoms or elsewhere, aren't missing anything.
As for the population explosion, I could drive a different Hummer to work every day of the week and leave them all idling on their days off, and still be "greener" than any family with children. 7 billion is a lot of people... I doubt there'd be an ecomodder.com or much eco-anything if we were 'only' 1 billion strong. Disappointingly, there's no elegant way to rapidly drop population so the best we can do for a smooth reduction is to spread out 4th dimensionally, waiting a few years longer to reproduce rather than trying to be teen moms or whatever.