Originally Posted by cfg83
rmay635703 -
I know what you mean, but I can understand that it's "saveiotic" in the sense that no wiring = lower cost in exchange for higher risk, aka you only have to concentrate on the wheel-well of the car for now and the interweb of bad guys later.
Signal Wires don't need to be much more than 32 guage or so and they don't even need to be true copper, these can be had for pennies and opticouplers can go to the moving bits if you are afraid of fatigue.
Having dealt with industrial equip & bluetooth & wifi, in a factory setting I can say anything wireless is NOT something I would want on an OTR vehicle. There are a lot of things in the environment that will make the blasted thing inop for seconds at a time or take it out completely until you get away from the problem.
If you were driving in the middle of nowhere, fine; in a city, no way.