accomplished a bit more work today.......
still building up the hood lip. put expanding foam ("great stuff!") in behind the lip, and taped it shut. it helps the foam expand less, and dry thicker and more study. plus if you dont tape it up, it will expand EVERYWHERE! so yeah, taping stuff over after foam is key folks... ask me how i know..... anywayz, here you can see the lip, and 1/2 the car w/ the tape removed, after the foam has dried.
a close up of the lip. its made from window blinds. the big thicker white plastic type for the main body of the lip, then the little thin metal type (2 glued together) that round off the trailing edge. then some bondo on top to smooth it all out.
installed some polyurethane motor mount inserts. in the left and right side of the motor. the rear mount looks hard to get to, so i'm not going to bother. the car felt MUCH better after this install. wow was the motor shaking around in there before! i also replaced the rear lower motor mount, and both trailing arms in the rear suspension
Preview teaser photo alert !!!!!
and some final, final, final last layer of bondo, and some more sanding..... folks; this is the last pic you will see of her - until i post up pics of her back on the road with the hood lip AND front bumper all painted and done!!!! i'll tell you what tho: she looks smooth and stealthy, especially with the flat black...