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Old 09-12-2012, 04:03 PM   #43 (permalink)
The Dirty330 Modder
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Originally Posted by Otto View Post

The Toyota video of their new SUV: I'm underwhelmed. The guys in that video crow about their design, but frankly it seems to me they left LOTS of money on the table. Maybe they studied aero at the same school whose grads did the Chevy Volt. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that various people on this website could make significant improvements to that vehicle in a weekend, working in their driveway, for less than $100.
The thing is while their making a fuel efficient vehicle they can not take it to the extreme because they are following for what the consumer wants, and unlike ecomodders people want to continue stomping the pedal while having a cool looking car and get good mileage. Their concerns of good mileage is getting more then the old vehicle. This is how my dad is for example he continues to tromp the gas and then wonder why is mileage is so bad and then thinks the only way to get better mileage is to get a new vehicle....

"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing."
- Henry Ford
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