Originally Posted by Cd
I think common people associate " militia " with a small group of armed individuals .
Not exactly. Militias are a group of civilians training part time for military purposes.
The word is derogatory anyway so I wouldn't recommend using it. It's generally used as a term for a rabble of poorly trained civilians. The National Guard is considered a regulated militia (hopefully that gives you a hint to it's popular meaning).
In other news, pictures are nice. Probably doesn't need any words really.
Originally Posted by freebeard
Also known as 'Preppers'. You do have an extra can of beans on the shelf, don't you?
That is something else entirely. Preppers are preparing for some major event or disaster. Preppers take preparedness to apocalyptic levels though. Usually involving buying a piece of property in the mild of nowhere and preparing it for extended self-sufficiency in the case of a global/national disaster.
For example if hypermilers are crazy to "normal people," Preppers are off the deep end probably living under a hill in a bunker talking to moles.