Originally Posted by Saskwatchian
Did he give the student a zero for the class or just the assignment? I could see there being an issue if he gave a zero for the course mark.
Like I said, he gave zeros on unfinished or un-submitted assignments, not as a final note for the class!
This type of teaching (that there are no consequences to your "inaction") reflects directly on the current generation of young workers, the best example I have is my mother.
She's a co-owner of a small business and for the last year they had all the trouble in the world to replace their old receptionist. They hired a new one every few weeks for different reasons but all of them were young and didn't care about the job. Some just stopped coming to work after a few days, others would even hide in the toilet so that they wouldn't have to answer the clients!!!
They ended up hiring an older lady and the problem stopped there! (even to the point where my mom doesn't look at a C.V. if it's a younger person that came to drop it in person! That's sad because I'm sure they are not all like that!)