Had quite a day yesterday at the Green Drive Expo in Richmond, CA. I got to drive a few "eco-cars" and none of the hybrids impressed me much. The electric cars were better by far - even a bit fun! The cars I drove, in order of fun, worst to best, were as follows:
Prius C
Prius V
Camry hybrid
Chevy Volt
Rav-4 EV
BMW 1 Series ActiveE (electric)
1991 GTI TDI - by far the most fun!
I also got to meet (actually have dinner with) some really cool people like Chelsea Sexton (EV-1, Who Killed the Electric Car, X-Prize, Plug in America...), Eric Powers (Founder, Green Drive Expo), Ron DeLong (Inventor of the Scangauge, Linear-Logic), the U.C. Berkeley guys with the solar race-car, etc... They ended up parking my car right by the stage. Now for some pics:
The GTI:

Turbo Insight...

