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Old 09-16-2012, 10:04 PM   #78 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by serialk11r View Post
Not sure that would work, brake rotor temperatures can easily exceed the Curie temperature of the magnet, and I imagine the reduced induction of the coils could fry something somewhere.

In case it wasn't clear, I was talking about bolting a motor to the spindle that applies torque directly to the rim.
Maybe so, so the best place to put the magnets from a temperature and torque standpoint would be on the wheel itself, out as close as practical to the rim. Rather than bolt a motor to the spindle, the wheel is the motor.

Wheel weight would grow by only the weight of the magnets. Given lower vehicle weight upon dumping the whole conventional drivetrain and associated gear, the wheels would be carrying less load and stress, so could be machined to thinner wall thickness, perhaps with less overall weight including magnets than before. The brake caliper hardware could carry the loads of the ring of electro-magnets, which in the MTSU video don't look all that heavy. At least one wheel motor proposed for car use has eliminated the brakes entirely, relying on its magnets to both regen and brake. If so, such a wheel motor might weigh less than the unsprung weight on your car right now. Interesting to learn more, though.....
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