Originally Posted by justjohn
The klr I'm a little more cautious with on the trails because it's harder to just stick out a foot and catch yourself. I think it's too tall to flat foot even for me, and I'm just over 6 feet. I think I'd be really comfortable with something just a tiny bit smaller/lighter than that. I believe the v-strom is nearly identical? So I think I'd be fine with it, I'd just prefer something a little lighter/cheaper.
I'm 6'4 and I believe that's the perfect height to flat foot the KLR!
If fuel economy is one of your main goals then forget the KLR650. At 70mph I average about 47mpg. If I keep my speed below 60 I can get a little better. My bike is 100% stock.
The KLR does everything well, dirt, street, long distance, a-b or cross country. But it's not outstanding at anything.
There are many many other bikes that can do individual things outstandingly well but it won't compare to the Jack-of-all-Trades KLR650!!!