Originally Posted by jalmir
Damn, prices around here are getting CRAZY!!!
Thank God for this website, my average MPG got up but so is gas price. This morning some place in Montreal had 1.534$ per liter
That's 5.8$ per gal!!!!
Yersterday average was 1.384$ and today it's 1.499, a rise of 11.5 cents per liter (or 43.5 cents per gal) in one night! WTF?!?!?!
Fuel prices always rise in the first few weeks of September. Over the summer, there is less demand (no parents taking their kids to school, no school buses, less use of vehicles / transit by older students, more adults taking vacation to be with their kids so less commuting to work etc etc). If you have a commute that involves a "rush hour", think about how much of a gong show it is the first week classes go back in - all that extra traffic/busses/people that haven't worked out car pools yet sucking up all that extra fuel. Travel in the summer is more of an option for a chunk of the population, so prices reflect that, but come September the oil companies know that rule goes out the window so prices go up toute de suite!