I haven't seen a review of tires recently but am looking to replace (2) of the Oem Cobalt XFE energy savers on the rear then swap to the front since they are worn down quite nicely. I am told the 40+k I put on them is quite unusual, most folks only could muster 20k before worn, hmm maybe 50psi is good for something.
Anyway I am looking for a tire that saves money both up front and in the long run, AKA the best lifetime cost. Not sure what that would be, Ecotopias seem to be moderately expensive as tires go around here, not sure what other decent alternatives there would be.
In any event the tires that came on my cobalt when new looked like they had half tread and from what I hear where not as good as ones that come off the shelf in a store. I am tempted to replace them with the same Goodyears but am not sure.
Also is there any such thing as an all-weather LRR?
And lastly I have been looking for the largest (read diameter) space saver spares (for a MPG & coastdown test) that would fit the cobalts 4x100 lug pattern, best example appears to be the 125/80r15's that came in certain focus's sadly these are too new to pop out of the pull and tug place for $5
Thanx for any suggestions.