The Teacher now has a new job at a private school where he can give zeros...
If I recal, the perpose of a mark on a school assignment is to let you know how well you learned the subjectmatter. Not giving accurate feedbake is one of the crewelest things you can do to anyone, let alone a young child, some would go so far as to call that decietfull.
on an aside
In high school I told one of my teachers that I was going to get a zero on the end of term exam, to which he said that no I would not get a zero. I walked into the exam room and wrote the subject name the date and my name at the top of the page and handed it in... he gave me 3% for speeling the subject and my name right and getting the date right...!
This was in a time and place where no one had ever heard of a no zero policy.
Last edited by redyaris; 09-19-2012 at 10:20 AM..