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Old 09-19-2012, 11:55 PM   #9 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: California
Posts: 130

Boltar - '19 Chevy Bolt LT
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Hey Man, I have a 1999 camry with all the same specs, automatic tran, 18.5 gas tank, 4 banger, one thing you do not want to use in cruise control, my best trip average mpg from bakersfield to OC was 36 mpg. I found that if I stick the speed right at around 60 or 62 I get 40 to 42 mpg. This is very consistant with my ultragauge. I calibrated it the way someone above recomended, fill up the tank, zero everything in the ultraguage, zero a trip on your odometer, then the next time you fill up you enter how far you went, and it will adjust your mpg based on this.

I cost if I know I will be able to gain speed and be able to use it by either starting up a hill or if I'm going into a long flat, otherwise you are better off just staying in drive,

Empty your car out as much as you can

with strictly just around town driving I can barely get 23 to 24, I live in so cal so its a little hilly and it just kills my mpg.

highway is where the camry really does a great job, espeically with that 18.5 gallon gas tank you can go really really far with one take an hypermilling skills

I installed a volo FS3 chip but have not seen any great gains or really any gains at all, save your money

I also installed some fuel fins, also known as vortex generators, they are just silly, all my friends call them my cars hair, they don't do much as I have not seen really any gains.

one thing I did buy that helped some was some lucas fuel cleaner, amazon has some in a gallon container, my car has trouble starting sometimes and holding an idle and this really helped.

I taped the front of my grill for a while but do to living with parents they thought it was rediculous and stupid, so I took it off, not really sure what kind of gains if any I had. It was a partial grill block. my car still has glue residue on it so I don't recommend it

hope this helps, excited to see how you do, thats a solid commute you should be able to average I think around 30 to 35 mpg if you try
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