Otto, your BMW is several inches wider then the RAV. Your plan sounds like a good one.
I had to redo the left rear suspension piece, it's better, and I'll show how. Also I got the right rear suspension redone too. but I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get those pictures.
Last night I tried out the fog lights. I think I can get them to work with different bulbs. They have a nice top cut off. And with no other lights on, I could easily see the road with them pointed at the road RIGHT above the hood. And it was dark. We have lots of fires in our area and with it so smoky the moon was a blood red color.
One thing I did notice was the heat. They got pretty hot in a short amount of time. So I definitely will be using some aluminum tape.
I had them on all the way into town this morning from 5:45 (an hour drive), and the fuse burned out before I got 3/4 of the way in. I'll need to read up to know what is the best way to avoid burn out. The wiring is 14 gauge, with a 15A fuse. ??? I'd rather not just upgrade the fuse, as I don't want to just put a band aid on the situation.
Rocks, etc, shouldn't be a problem, one iota.
I don't follow close, and we don't have a lot of traffic.
Sven, I'm SO curious!
Which picture made you think RAVadoodle needs an alignment? She just had a 4 wheel alignment done this Spring.
These tires/wheels are new to me, I got them a month ago for my Summer set. I couldn't bear covering up my other rims that I took a lot of time custom painting. I don't mind putting pizza pans on these.
But yes, I could use some LRR tires.
I'm waiting for a tire sale, and I also haven't figured out what to get. I've heard good things about Michelin Defender, but the only size that fits, means the tire will be wider then stock, and smaller too. Both things I want to avoid.
I have "Winter" tires, so the LRR ones can be slick!
I will look up the tires you mentioned.
Thank you!