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Old 09-25-2012, 06:24 AM   #2 (permalink)
MPG Militia HMV-25E80+A
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Vermont, USA
Posts: 823

FrankenJetta D - '90 Volkswagen Jetta GL
Boat tails and more mods
90 day: 64.35 mpg (US)
Thanks: 191
Thanked 144 Times in 98 Posts
I came up this summer ,for the rally that we met at, and had no serious issues. The Americans did walk their dog around the car and did ask questions about what the tail was for. Just answer their questions honestly and end your sentences with "Sir/Mam". Have the address of where you are going easily available, and if you are staying the night, have that address ,also.

The Canadian guard was easier. No dog.

It is always very amusing how our imagination is put to the test when overcoming reality. Redyaris
Boat tail project
How to gently bump start during EOC
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