Originally Posted by awillard69
So, let me get this straight, you have a basic ATMEGA168 chip, that you loaded using your Freeduino board, or the load cable, then placed that code loaded chip to your solderless breadboard with the bare bones components for a functioning chip. You then power it from the same place as the MPGuino and tap its outputs.
That's pretty much it. I bought some 20mhz PDIP atmega 168's and some 16mhz crystals after I cooked one atmega, then wrestled a bootloader on them by putting them in my freeduino board socket and mucking around with the
parallel port ICSP programmer (not for the faint of heart), then I could program it via the USB/Serial port on the board and use plain old arduino IDE and code.
NCK had some chips with bootloaders on them, but no crystals, and when I looked they did not have chips in stock, so as hokey and painful as the parallel programmer can be to get working, it has proved to be invaluable. It's brought back a couple chips after experiments that have gone wrong and cost me nothing
Course the real nice thing about this arrangement is that I can create cheap little devices, but anybody with a duino can also use what has been written very easily.
Edit: I was just checking out the iduino and noticed that fundamental logic,
http://www.spiffie.org has atmegas with bootloaders preloaded and crystals, as well as a breadboard usb duino kit for $18! I had to get one at that price (plus a couple more atmegas and crystals)