Originally Posted by Diesel_Dave
Actually, no. A 2012 semi truck produces quite a bit lower emissions than your 1997 car does--even in a g/mile basis. Look it up yourself:
DieselNet: Diesel Exhaust Emission Standards
1997 would have been the end of Tier 1. The standards for diesel passenger cars was NOx of 1.25 g/mi and PM of 0.1 g/mi on the FTP 75 test.
Heavy duty trucks are engine-certified (not vehicle-certified) on the FTP test. Current standards are 0.2 g/hp-hr for NOx and 0.01 g/hp-hr for PM. If you assume a typical cruise condition for a semi truck of 250 hp and 65 miles per hour that works out to be NOx of 0.77 g/mi and PM of 0.04 g/mi.
So your 15 year old passenger car puts out roughly double the emissions of a 2012 semi truck.
Your truck has roughly the aspect ratio of a billboard.