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Old 09-26-2012, 05:33 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: New Kensington PA
Posts: 69

Big Blue - '94 Ford F-150 shortbed
90 day: 15.71 mpg (US)

Mexico Nuevo - '84 Honda V45 Sabre
90 day: 36.67 mpg (US)
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Thanked 10 Times in 7 Posts
FE getting progressively worse over time...troubleshooting help appreciated.

Well, I just updated my fuel log for my F-150...and I've hit a new all-time low, despite no change (or even modest improvment) in the "nut behind the wheel" skills.

13.3 MPG!

That's WITH EOC, DFCO-aware descents, timing red lights and not exceeding the PSL on highways. For the first time in ~20 years (even before I knew what hypermiling was), I'm UNDER EPA!

In the search for a mechanical problem, I've checked for vacuum leaks, read the existing plugs, performed a compression test, gapped and installed new plugs, and topped off all fluids. (Oh and I'm keeping the tires at 40 PSI.)

All tests were normal, zero carbon fouling, and 170+ PSI on all six cylinders.

I'm at a loss. I'm beginning to suspect a plugged CAT, simply because it would explain a steady decrease in economy (plus the fact that I lose power--seemingly--at WOT, and get an odd "pfft, pfft" exhaust sound: kind of like a headgasket breach, only less so.)

How would I test for this? I mean, besides just putting in a test pipe section for a couple of tanks? (Not that I'm terribly averse to that as a temporary diagnostic tool, mind you.)

Any other areas to look? Like checking timing?

P.S. I have won the missus on the idea of motorcycling, so now the only use the truck gets is work-related, trips in averse weather, or for buying more stuff than would fit in a backpack. "Using a truck as a truck" would explain SOME drop, but I would still expect the I-6, MT, 2WD w/ 3.08 final drive to do quite a bit better...

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