I have considered blocking the oval grill area with a sheet of clear lexan, just on the inside of the body opening. There is a small radiator to cool the motor controller, but it has fans and would be 6-12 inches away from the lexan sheet. So it can pull air as it needs regardless of a blocked grill. I didn't think that it would help, but would do the opposite and hurt. But perhaps it's worth a try.
Currently the opening allows for air to flow off to the sides and into the wheel wells (all behind the body).
Another (possibly dumb) thought would be to put flat sheet under the car, covering as much of the length and width as is reasonable. Would that help reduce air friction and improve wh/mi?
I also thought about trying to tilt the windshield back a little, as I do have a bit of room to play there.
At 50 mph, the motor is turning about 2600 rpm.
Originally Posted by Daox
Sounds like a fun car Wayne.
#1 on the list is slow down when you're not showing off.  The aero is horrible on that car, so anything you can do to slow down will help. Also, you don't have regen, so avoiding brake use is another huge benefit, even (actually especially) at highway speeds.
As for mods, I'd start with finding an increased tire pressure you're happy with. Then I'd make a full grill block. If you don't want to effect looks, do the blocking from the back. The next thing I'd look at is some sort of air dam for the front bottom side of the car. Unfortunately after that you're going to start having to effect looks which I doubt you want to do.
Also, what are your rpms at highway speeds? If the motor isn't spinning fast enough you'll have a reduction in efficiency.