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Old 09-28-2012, 07:13 PM   #187 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Boo Radley - '65 Ford F100
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Originally Posted by arcosine View Post
I can just make out the back alien's white shiny head in the driver's seat, see it, Scully, and you can see the face of the other one in the reflection on the side window. Its probably standing just outside the picture.
Mulder, there has to be a reasonable explanation. Perhaps it was a strange shadow on the headrest. We can't rule that out!

Originally Posted by Sporty Modder View Post
More pics of your stencils please.
These are the only two I have on the internet showing the full stencil job.

Originally Posted by Cd View Post
Tyler, this is on my desktop.
I love the olive drab paint. Even with the dents and such, it just looks 'natural'.

BTW, how did you paint the car ? Is it spray paint ? - because you did a fine job if it is ( no patchiness and striping that i can see )

The choice of font, the placement, the humor etc, all add up to what is now my favorite car on this site.

I even like the way you curved the tape over the edges of the tail, in the direction of the airflow as it spills over the sides.
Why, thank you, Cd!!

It's just "camouflage" green spray paint. I scuffed the whole car with 400 grit before painting. I've spray painted a few things in my day, so it wasn't a big effort. You just have to take your time and do a few light coats.

Sometimes you need to use humor to tell people things they wouldn't consider otherwise. The jokes make it approachable- I know it's weird, and it's okay to say so.

I didn't go to art school for nothing! (And the tape lines simply cover the scores in the 'plast)

TangoCharlie, I would you like a side of boat tail with that stencil?
He gave me a dollar. A blood-soaked dollar.
I cannot get the spot out but it's okay; It still works in the store
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