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Old 09-29-2012, 01:06 AM   #24 (permalink)
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My first thought was also that the motor was spinning to slow, but 2,500 RPM is pretty reasonable for 50mph and the motor is over sized for the weight of the car that it's never under a high load so I wouldn't be surprised if it never sees over 200 amps because that motor does just fine with a 4,000 pound vehicle like a pickup truck that also has that kind of drag.

There are some 225/50R17 tires that are also around 805 revs per mile that have low rolling resistance options, I would have to do a little more searching to see if there is slightly wider tire that is a LRR tire, but the load range on a tire like that is still well below the weight of your car that you are not going to be coming even close to pushing the limits of what the tire can handle.
Do you know what brand and model of tire you have on right now? just so we all have a better idea.
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