Mrs A's Prius is now on 19K miles - the front tyres look OK but will need replacing. They are the standard fit Michelin Energy ones (she has the 17" alloys) - what tyres would the forum recommend as replacements ?
She has to stick to standard size as it is a company car, but we may be able to choose make / range.
PS - for info - the law in the UK is minimum 1.6mm tyre tread across 3/4 of the tread face, so no racing "slicks" or waiting for the canvas to appear is allowed here. Also tyre makers recommend 3mm for replacement - as they would I suppose.
We live in Scotland, it rains a lot in Scotland, and the roads are very full of grease, oil, mud, dirt etc. and about the same quality as Beirut in the 1980s.
So the tyres
will be replaced.