Originally Posted by euromodder
Still, 6.5 L/100km seems like a lot for a small engine / small car.
Do you coast - either with the engine off or on ?
If not, give it a try.
Yes, as mentioned above, I try to coast whenever practical (engine-on). If I'm on a one lane street with traffic behind me I just maintain constant 50-60km/h. If I see a red light far ahead, I coast. If there's a 2nd gear turn in a few hundred meters and no one right behind me, I coast. Whenever seriously slowing down (not coasting) I do engine braking, keeping the revs relatively high. It's not like the 6.5 came with a snap of the fingers
Originally Posted by AndrzejM
I agree completely! I'm thinking maybe that's because of that camshaft which is set up for top end power that maczo mentioned before. Maybe it should be adjusted for low end power and torque then Scrapchento should be more fuel efficient. Maybe ignition timing should be slightly advanced too.
Well, I agree completely too

But engine and car size are really not the only parts of the equation and I think the mentioned valve timing, "loose" exhaust, short gearing - they all may contribute to high baseline fuel consumption. And then there's the most important argument that other 1.2s burn even more fuel

(and I mean 'centos, not the Punto)
Of course I cannot rule out a mechanical problem (and I know the brakes are notorious for stuck calipers). I will ask the mechanic to check the lambda since the car is already at his workshop.

Maybe the injectors are worn out and pour fuel instead of spraying? What other problems might there be?
Bottom line is - maybe there's something to fix mechanically and I'd love to figure out what that might be. But then again if there's nothing to fix I wouldn't be very surprised.
Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
Only minor? Where in Warsaw did you find a road in such good shape? 
I know what you mean

This was the last place that I'd expect to cause such damage. Relatively new asphalt with just one big patch that started to cave in irregularly. Nothing special when compared to some surprises that you can encounter here