Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
... Did it attract a lot of attention from other drivers? ...
Well, to my surprise it went almost unnoticed. At least i didn´t get any unpredictable behaviour on the roads. Could it be that more than skirts it's your cammback what draws attention?
Some explanation can be given by my mother-in-law's reaction: "Oh, look, someone damaged your car - did Robert fix it with the tape??" So I assume - due the tape method - the car looks like i am merley "fixing a damage", not "upgrading"
. The truth is that one can see cars with sellotape instead of windows etc in area where I live quite often.
Have you tried any kind of camouflage or just let it be?
Originally Posted by arcosine
Full front skirts make more of a difference than full rear skirts.
I definitely agree. But I was able to make this in 30 minutes, which I doubt it's possible for front skirts.