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Old 10-02-2012, 09:22 AM   #3 (permalink)
Honda modder
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My experience w/ different brands of gas.

Originally Posted by TheIVJackal View Post
I've noticed some people here and on other forums say that they have had a 10%+ improvement by buying gas at a different retailer. Will (for example) gas from Shell get me higher mpg's when compared to Costco gas? I would think it doesn't but people seem to stand rather firm on the idea. Thoughts? Data? Thanks.
- Aaron
Yes, I have noticed up to 10% better gas from Shell. But it was only on one fill up. The improvement is not consistent. My hunch is it depends on each delivery that the station gets and that independent stations have slightly lower odds of getting the longer burning fuel. I'm not surprised that this happens considering the complexity of gasoline.
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