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Old 10-03-2012, 09:08 AM   #17 (permalink)
Southern Squidbillie
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Accelerate at peak torque for P&G.

Looking at the dyno data the torque peaks around 4400 rpm. This is the most efficient power production point of that engine, highest volumetric efficiency of the airflow in the intake, lowest specific fuel consumption, etc. If you had the BSFC chart it would show this for you graphically.

The dyno test was measured at WOT, which would have WOT-enrichment in the A/F ratio data, so don't be misled into thinking that 2300 is your most efficient operating point for acceleration purposes.

You may not have a need for acceleration in town, but when you do on the highway, put your foot into the throttle just short of WOT to let that engine breathe efficiently, then plane out and glide in top gear at the lower power level.

Shift up around the torque peak for the lowest fuel consumption to get you up to speed, plus it has the highest smile-on-your-face factor. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary data--try it and see if you notice a difference.

Last edited by kennybobby; 10-03-2012 at 01:56 PM..
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