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Old 10-03-2012, 09:37 AM   #79 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by brucepick View Post
Engine lock heater. I hope to install mine today.

And get on the Focus message boards to look into options for thinner tranny lube. If thinner not possible, try synthetic of specified weight. It should be thinner at cold temperatures than conventional lube of same spec.

But no changes of lube will help as much as a good block heater.
The fluid that comes with it is about the thinnest you can safely run in it and is pretty well regarded. I think the problem just comes from everything being cold - I usually upshift to 2nd around 1500RPM and as soon as I push in the clutch, the engine goes right to 2000RPM.

All of our Fords seem to do this They have all gone back to the dealer for it and Ford just says it's normal to heat up the cats quicker.

I'd love to be able to do a block heater, but I'm an apartment dweller and it's not an option at this point. I have been looking into alternate methods of doing a battery powered heater ... but the intiial investment of a few deep-cycle batteries and a high powered inverter would negate any fule savings (and run up my electric bill).
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