Originally Posted by boxchain
High 50's in my CB350 Four. Which was much like this one: Honda CB350 Four - 1973 - Classic Motorcycle Review - RealClassic.co.uk
Except I got mine for $150. Replaced battery, contacts, and started riding. Within a few blocks the muffler fell off  , and Honda wanted $450 for a set of those fancy quad pipes. I opted instead for the $20 yeah-theres-baffles-in-their-officer straight pipe.  Rode it like I was trying to earn WDC points  and would get low 40's, which is what I'm shooting for driving like a pawpaw.
Note that this was a 400#+ bike. I can't find specs right now, but the p/w was pretty low.
I think I need to get another bike now D:
I always really liked the idea of the small displacement 4 cyl engines of which the honda was first i believe. Had a friend in college that got one new and i so envied him. Probably never go there now, but the ninja 300 is really tempting. It even has 2 cylinders like a proper street bike should....hehe