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Old 10-03-2012, 10:20 PM   #67 (permalink)
B.O. Zen
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Folsom, CA
Posts: 208

Pickup - '99 Toyota Tacoma 2wd, Regular Cab, Short Bed
90 day: 34.62 mpg (US)
Thanks: 130
Thanked 141 Times in 59 Posts
Originally Posted by ron View Post
its a 2.4L I-4 not sure of the # In an extra cab automatic techoma 2003
I wonder if most of the difference is from the extended cab (I'm jealous) or the auto trans.

@ Varn - That thing's awesome, however eccentric!

Originally Posted by CH1cruisin View Post
ChazinMT. You may have a good idea there. In the early 50s (or thereabouts), both International Pickups and Buick had hoods that could be opened from either side so there is some existing designs out there that could be found and studied.

What's that in reference to?

@Acev - My understanding of doing the curved back (camback/boattail), as opposed to a straight back shell, is that is reduces the turbulence behind the vehicle. I had a regular shell on for a while and it cost me ~4mpg.

It's harder to make changes to the front since I need to see out of the windshield. I'd like to lower it, but it seems like whenever I make big changes to my vehicles (like lowering suspension), I end up regretting it, and I'm off-road often enough that I want to keep the ride height where it is. I do plan on building some kind of air dam/grill block to address the front aero.

I agree that curving the sides in would be a good thing, but I didn't account for it originally in the design of the shell, so I'm a little reluctant to go back and rework it to allow a side taper past the end of the bed. It's a possibility though. Do you think it would make much difference tapering the sides of the last 18" of the bed and shell?

The coast-down testing is going to have to wait until next week... not enough time in the day this week. I'm going to go by TAP plastics tomorrow after work and pick up enough materials to do some testing... might have some good stuff to post after that. I want to measure thicknesses of different numbers of layers of glass and figure out the cure times for the resin I'll be using when I finally cover this thing.
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