Originally Posted by California98Civic
Going across country next week? Then make sure you pump up the tires and that you slow your speed. Those two by themselves, free and quick, will save you bigger percentages than most other things, if the experience of this group means much. Good luck driving cross country! I love long road trips. Love 'em.
My logs don't reflect it very well, but I'm pretty good at hypermiling. The Civic's SGII reports 55-62 MPG for my round-trip commute when I drive it. (The Corolla logs are probably mostly limited by mechanical problems, and the Civic logs limited by its owner, who doesn't hypermile quite as well as I.)
I'll probably be around 5-10 under PSL, for MPG and the fact that I'll be alone. Also I don't know yet whether the mechanic will be able to fix the shimmy that set in at 67 MPH when he looks at it tomorrow.
That being said, I'm afraid I have exactly the opposite feeling toward long road trips. Time spent driving is time I wish I could spend on something else. I have several neglected hobbies, in addition to several active ones. Plus a house and kids. One of my hobbies does not happen to be books-on-tape.
Aero is the magic genie of vehicle optimization. Or automation and road trains, even better. Or all together, even better.
Actually I would prefer a greyhound for this trip, all other things being equal. Unfortunately the greyhound's schedule happens to be awful for this route (12am - 2pm or 12pm to 8am - I really like to sleep in a bed).