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Old 10-06-2012, 03:39 PM   #44 (permalink)
Aero Deshi
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OK ACEV, you asked for it. Apparently I wasn't direct enough for you, so I'll say it all here in plain English.

You have no clue what you're talking about, stating that "Attached air flow is exactly what one needs to remove" is so far beyond stupid that it stymies the imagination. It is like saying we don't need air to breath in order to live. (Of course knowing you, you'll come up with some BS factoid regarding liquid breathing because that's the kind of person you are)

The picture was meant to suggest that even a bunch of morons understand that, without attached flow, an aerodynamically low drag Cd cannot be achieved.

It has been explained here in this thread that there are serious doubts as to the Mythbuster test, nobody else has tried to test it. Science (look it up) mandates that the person making the claim that "X" has an impact, back it up with facts. Science does not mandate that a person may make a claim that, "I think "X" has an impact now you prove why it isn't true."

Mr. Eakers is what we call an expert on the subject of Aerodynamics, his credentials speak for themselves, when he says dimples are crap, that's all I need to hear. I know better than to try and dispute what someone says when they have spent a career learning about it, and are in fact, highly paid professionals in their field of expertise.

The guy Aerohead you choose to go head to head with here is well-regarded in this Forum as an established authority on automobile aerodynamics, he has patiently tried to explain to you why dimples don't work. But you don't seem to be willing to acknowledge his effort as anything other than a bunch of, "Blah blah blah whatever, you still aren't proving why Mythbusters was wrong." You don't mention even 1 of the many talking points he establishes in your response.

You are proving to be a troll who tries to pass him/her self off as an expert somehow, and what you say has no credibility.

My "I'm out" comment really meant: This is my last communication with you, post whatever you want. I feel it is important to be sure that someone stumbling into this thread recognize that what you say is suspect and not worthy of consideration.

You're of course entitled to your opinion and you may believe whatever you wish, and feel free to post here all you want. I just want others to know your beliefs are not based on anything resembling proven facts.

And don't think I'm slamming you because you disagree with the established view here, I'm slamming you because you are disagreeing without backing up what you say or are willing to discuss anything other than, "Mythbusters is proof enough."

Keep in mind a golfball is a small spinning sphere in open air, a car is a lumpy shaped object moving along with solid ground 3 to 12 inches away. These facts make a huge difference in what the air does in relationship to their passage.

Again, I've had my final say, I'm out, for good, no more troll food from me.
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