Originally Posted by euromodder
128 and 64 GB are available in retail.
If you do dip into the PI, be careful of the SD Cards because quite a few don't work properly. There is a forum sticky on the site which has a list of ones which people have reported DO work.
Originally Posted by Varn
One heck of a machine. Hope the software folks are writing code to fit it...
Originally it was aimed at getting kids into coding so the software that is available (there is none on it, you have to download it and put it onto the SD card) include simple tools such as Scratch (cartoon game maker) and Python - the latter can be used to write pretty much anything you want to and it is dead quick and easy to learn - even on Windows or Linux. I recommend Geany as the editor.
Obviously the "raw program ore" of C and C++ are available too. Some brave souls have ported .NET (Mono) too.
The core chip inside it is the same as your mobile phone - an ARM. It is quite an old version and it is packaged as part of a larger chip which also supplies the graphics and sound capabilities.
There is a YouTube channel - Raspberry PI tutorials. The guy got DOOM to run at more or less full speed, it did take 6 hours to compile though