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Old 06-10-2008, 11:24 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NoCO2 View Post
Nice vid there Laz. Two comments.

1. WTF!!! 6 lane road, you're nuts!!!

2. Yea, you almost got hit there with that one car, what an idiot!

I should try mounting my cam on my bike one day for my commute. At first I thought you were on a motocycle, then I saw you riding along the side of the traffic (which made me laugh pretty hard) and realized it was a bicycle.

It's not as bad as it looks. They could easily put a bike lane there or wide shoulder.

She was talking on her cell phone I guess that why she could not turn the blinker on either.

What I find interesting is the amount of trucks and SUV in the short 3 minutes.
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