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Old 10-09-2012, 05:01 PM   #69 (permalink)
RE Farmer
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Looks like you've done your homework. I only looked at Ron's car and spoke with him briefly. Since many people have assembled A123 pouch packs that looked like Ron's, I thought his were too.

Not that you're looking for other cells, but you might look into CALiBpower's new CA cell. I've installed it in my MG and Jack has tested them at 10C discharging with ~15% sag +or-. I'm using CA100 cells, which are similar in size and wt. to SE100, but are much "stiffer" in the sag department. Unfortunately, I was a few parts short and didn't bring my car to EVCCON so I don't a data to offer you at this time. However, a guy called Damien from Ireland has tested the CA180 by dead-shorting a cell with a spanner. Check out his youtube video - search: CALB Grey Cell Test 01 : Half impulse. Warning: his method is not for the faint of heart - spanner turned white hot @ 2000A.
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