Hmm ok, I have not seen a spat like that. I think I might make them on the inside to try and angle the air away from the hole in my Bally pla that is cut out for steering. It seems like even though my car is low, having spats is better then not having spats. And it will be easy and fun to make. Soon once I aquier more signs. Ill finish off my belly pan. Even if these things make a small difference it is better then not Doing It at all. And seeing as my car likes to be driven around 60-75 good aero is goin to be important.
I'm thinking ill do some wheel skirts for my Arizona Vegas trip but I won't make them permanent. My friend is really pushing me to put them on. Ill have to figure out a way to mount them without using duct tape on my paint. AND I got a trunk for the trip for free that i am building into an aero bike rack and I can maybe build a boat tail on!