Originally Posted by Christ
Libertarian, actually. Thanks for playing. :P I'm also a strict Constitutionalist.
I prefer to support local economy, is all. I've never been a fan of supporting a company that makes billions and pays it's workers a pittance for their slavery, but looking at the average Wal-Mart worker /almost/ justifies that.
I am by no means a liberal. I hold certain socialist views, but I don't believe in government enforcement of a human standard. We're socialist by ourselves for the most part. That ends when people start getting all political and drawing boundaries. With less Government, the rift gets smaller, believe it or not.
I firmly believe that people need less direction and more education. Laws don't prevent crimes, they /create/ them.
Hah, I was half tempted to link a Youtube video of Stossel on outsourcing, but didn't want to risk disturbing the mods. Stossel's Libertarian view on that matter sums up my opinion.
Heck, if we were neighbors I'd buy you lunch just to hear more about saving money on cell phone service, felling trees, and buying/selling things. If I were to loose my job or quit in frustration, I would seriously consider tree felling and buying/selling things for income. Where do I find your tree cutting videos?