Aaaaand the car is back from the mechanic.
What is not faulty:
- lambda
- brakes (not stuck)
What is not faulty, but causes bad FE. This time not my opinions, but the mechanic's. I didn't give him hints on what to check, apart from the lambda and injectors. Here it goes:
- re-programmed computer with altered ignition timing and fuel dosage. This is a small surprise, because I cannot recall that detail from the swapping process. But the ECU was indeed bought used from someone with a 1.2 'cento, so it kind of fits.
- exhaust too loose (and I don't mean the mounts

- intake (current is semi-CAI, cone filter)
So now I feel partially excused for getting mediocre FE
The big question is: what now? Kill-switch + aero to coast longer? WAI? (I could probably isolate the filter from sources of fresh air).
Any and all suggestions welcome