Originally Posted by Flakbadger
Well my friend, I do next to no EOC (Maybe once per tank, just for ****s and giggles), lots and lots of coasting, and only drive as slow as I think I can without inconveniencing other drivers, and I don't think I can do very much better.
I would love to buy an Ultraguage but I lack the income to drop 60 bucks on something so frivolous, and don't know that I could really get much above what I'm getting now.
As far as aero goes, it depends on what you want. I have been itching to make a grille block and rear wheel well covers, but I am unwilling to have something that looks slapdash in execution... So I haven't done anything yet for lack of time to make it look "good."
I am not disappointed with my results with those restrictions. As others have mentioned it depends on your car.
after selling my civic where I learned a bunch of good habits with an MPGuino I started driving the escort. our best tank prior was 38mpg with no instantaneous fuel consumption data. I drove it around like that for a couple months. 35-38 was pretty normal. Dropped an Ultraguage in it. I am up over 41mpg. That is an extra 7-17% increase (closer to 17 as 35 was far more common tan 38mpg) so pessimistically...
In about a week I go 400 miles at 38 mpg (which is optimistic) and $4.00 per gallon that equals $42.10
400 miles at 41 mpg(its closer to 42 now) and 4.00 per gallon is 39.02.
Ultra Gauge saves me $3.07 per week which means it pays off in 5.7 months.
If you do more than 400 miles a week, or your mileage is not as good as mine your pay off could be quicker.
Also, it was very valuable in trouble shooting some sensor issues I was having. as I could see the raw data from the sensor that was acting up. so it saved me a couple hours of troubleshooting or paying a shop to do it. so in that regard it has already paid for it self.
Another benefit is it tells you where going slower won't help and where going faster won't hurt.
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.